Friday, 25 July 2014

Week 1.6 Reflecting on Week 1

We have come to the end of Week 1 which centred around exploring digital storytelling and Creative Commons Licensing.  So I have some questions to ask you:
  • Did you manage to get started with the course readings on the blog?
  • Do you have a clearer understanding of copyright and licensing on the web? 
  • Do you understand the varied definitions of digital storytelling?
  • Any questions or queries
It is my hope that you don't get too confused about Creative Commons licensing. The main thing to remember is that if you use anything of anyone else's just give them recognition. What it all boils down to is that we will ask you to copy and paste the relevant license on your contributed story at the right time!
Please write a reflective comment in the comment box below or in Facebook- would love to know that you are still out there!!! I am looking forward to ‘Week 2: What makes a good story for a learner in the early grades’. Looking forward to connecting again on Monday!


  1. Thanks. I personally have tried to follow all except the webinar.It was a good eye-opener for me.Alemu.

  2. Thank you, I was a bit confused at the beginning if the lecture but am now clear.

  3. Yes, I do understand the aforementioned concepts as all the resources complement each other effectively. Chantelle

  4. It is a very good beginning, i was able to follow all presentations except the webinar. I couldn`t play the recording.Thank you.

  5. Webinar was a great idea! Very helpful with the visual elements. Finally understand the relevance of copyright and the variations

  6. I was able to follow all the course readings of the week including the webinar. The recording was helpful. Beatrice Murila.

  7. Hi Fiona and Lorato
    Webinar was really good...a lot to absorb though...but will wade through the materials as per your website...thanks for the opportunity...

  8. Thank you! Wish I had a connection to the webinar, but no matter, the notes are quite comprehensive. Thanks. Norman

  9. Hi
    Thanks for the webinar and all the interesting links and articles. I do like the creative commons idea and all the sharing it allows! Thanks for all the great info.

  10. Just watched the webinar and read the notes. It's all clear and I'm looking forward to to week two. I'm still a bit confused as to how to do original illustrations but I think that will become clearer in the near future. Thanks Lorato and Fiona.

  11. Hi everyone. I'm so excited about this course! Each week I'm looking forward to our presentations and conversations. I'm excited about this Thursday and can't wait for a week when we create stories. Long live African stories! Lorato, African Storybook.

  12. Hello. I found week 1 to be very informative when it came to copyright. I was pretty much in the dark before this :-)
    The definitions of digital storytelling are also clear now and I have a pretty good idea of the kind of digital story we will be required to create.
    I will try to join the webinar this week.

  13. I have now a clearer understanding of copyright & licensing on the web and I like the definition of digital storytelling :) Marina
